Thursday, January 9, 2020

Homosexualiy and the Catholic Church Essay - 1568 Words

Homosexualiy and the Catholic Church For us in Scotland homosexuality is one of the most prominent issues in Church and society today. Gay-rights advocates and activists are pushing a strong political agenda from the left#8212;job benefits for domestic partners, civil recognition for gay marriages, the right to bear ones own children via reproductive technologies, equal access to adoption, anti-discrimination statutes. At the same time, the government has changed legislation regarding the teaching about homosexuality in Schools. Sir Elton John made a public attack on Scotlands Cardinal Thomas Winning, accusing him of ignorance regarding homosexuality. Writing in the June issue of the Spectator, the flamboyant performer said†¦show more content†¦In brief, evidence indicates that being homosexual#8212;that is, experiencing an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex#8212;is most often an experience that is discovered, not freely chosen . With the onset of puberty, and its associated hormonal changes, every adolescent boy and girl begins to discover sexual attractions, desires, fantasies and feelings. For the majority of people, this attraction is primarily focused toward members of the opposite sex. Thus, their orientation is termed heterosexual. But for a relatively small but significant percentage of the population, homosexual persons, this attraction or orientation is primarily toward their own gender. Bisexual persons seem to be somewhat equally drawn to members of both sexes. While having a homosexual (or even a bisexual) orientation is not typical, it is not in itself morally wrong or sinful. Since in most cases it is discerned or discovered, not freely chosen, it is not automatically blameworthy . Thus the Church has taken a fairly benign or accepting stance toward homosexual persons#8212;who discover their desires and inclinations (i.e., orientation) toward same-sex sexual activity. Yet the Church has consistently taught that to act on these inclinations, particularly to engage in homosexual

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