Sunday, May 10, 2020

The History of the FBI Essay - 1521 Words

In the 21st century, the world as we know it suffers from psychotic, demented, treacherous and, sophisticated crimes. This world would be corrupt without a tunnel of light if it was not for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, also known as the FBI, is a corporation that seeks fidelity, bravery and, integrity for the United States of America. The FBI researches shocking and concerning crimes the news reports about politics, war and, safety that we hear on the television about issues that are being reported to the people. These cases of transgression are missions the FBI analyzes, such as hacking information from double spies, locating terrorists, seeking pedophiles, cracking down unknown mobsters,†¦show more content†¦Current missions that the FBI are involved in are the Boston marathon bombing, Somalia bombing and, the Target hackers. Although, it may seem the FBI knows about the majority of criminalistics situations; they have been doing this job for many years and many years to come. John continues, â€Å"The FBI originated from a force of special agents created in 1908 by Attorney General Charles Bonaparte during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt (2).† This organization has been serving justice since the Roosevelt years in the early 1900’s. Everything the FBI is capable of, could not be demonstrated with perfection if it was not for their structure. This structure consists of being part of the U.S. Department of Justice, which is headed by the United States Attorney General. The authority they are granted are to enforce the law on a federal level (Sections 533 and 534, Title 28 of the U.S. Code). These are the ways the Federal Bureau of Investigation works from the agencies missions, history of the agency and the impressive structure of the agency, which makes them one of the major aspects of the federal law to the United States of America. From the approval of President Roosevelt to establish the beginning of the FBI,Show MoreRelatedThe FBI : The Background History Of The FBI777 Words   |  4 PagesDid you know it is completely legal for the FBI to misconceive a jury while under oath, in court, to ensure that the nation’s security is protected? Also, you can simply request a copy of your personal file from the FBI and receive it in an email. The Federal Bureau of Investigations is known for their very conspiratorial litigations and highly advanced technology, but there is a lot of information that is widely available to the public eye, in which the people have no knowledge of. 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